
29 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 65 Reviews

5.00 / 5.00 (+ 0.0000030)

It was already at 5.00... I guess I'm just that awesome.

And speaking of awesome, this entire concerto is pretty impressive. Did you actually play these on the piano or use a program?

Kreepman responds:

I actually played these lol!
Part 3 itself took a good two months to get just right!

Thanks for the comment!

- Nigel xD

4.47 / 5.00 (+ 0.027)

This is the real deal.... so refreshing to hear real rap on this site, it's too damn rare. Great mastering, great voices and great beat.

NimbusTheGeneral responds:

These are the types of reviews I like to see. People that appreciate real hip-hop music. I've been doing it long enough to perfect the craft. It's always good to see people enjoy the music.

Stay up,

Nimbus The General

Why get zero-bombed?

I gave it a 5 but it only helped +2.36. Apparently the voter had more xp than me :( Definitely some Twiztid type of shit up in here. Opening reminds me of Raw Deal, rest of the song like a dark-humor storyline. More dark than humorous, of course, being Twiztid's style of beat. Good stuff.

sinproductions responds:

this kids got taste! get some exp points or whatever that shit is!

Name is taken...

But the song is still fresh. The chorus seems kinda dry though, not as complex like we'd hope for with a slow beat like this. Good beat anyway, and MCL!!

sinproductions responds:

well i guess i know what i needs to be doing, freshening my shit a little more.. complexicated. thanks for the 8 homie

Middle vocals,

Too much res, and too sudden of the wah-wah's.
Other than that; I would even consider buying this beat if it was longer. I found myself missing the intro beat; the rest of the song seems drowned out in that aspect. And quite literally, it sounds like it went underwater and got all tangled up so it doesn't go anywhere, which bores me. :/
I think the underwater sound is good, don't get me wrong, but a minute of it is too long to be a loop.
4/5, 8/10 for the pimpin beat behind the music, and the tune that now just can't escape my head.

Sirhc7000 responds:

Hey dood I seriously appreciate the honesty here.

I'm soo with u one the resonance part. I tried to fix it but the record I had was SUPER old and dusty, and my recording mechanism for that track isn't so great (just using an audio plug from my comp to a crappy record player).

And yea the wah-wahs are really sudden. I realized that the day after I submitted it. But after a while I just started to get used to it.

Thanks a lot man. Really constructive stuff here.

Sorry, I didn't listen to the whole thing.

Had to give it a 5 early, so don't you dare think about getting mad at me. ;)

CKC2009 responds:

I let u off ha ha

Sounds like a mix between

Jet Force Gemini [remastered], and... hmm..... can't put my finger on the other sound I recognize. But anyway, hell of a job. Excellent flow, nice tune, not too repetitive - you seem to shift it just in time. Great job. Time to download. :)

p4c responds:

if i knew what that song was, i'd comment on it :)

though yeah, i tried to make this for what might work in a club, which means that repetitiveness is fine but that it does need to change up significantly after a while. i guess i did a good balance on timing for that. lots of ppl on newgrounds make their stuff as endless loops, so i try specifically not to do that :) though i still think it needs to develop more.

thanks for listening and i'm glad you like it!

Not hearin the bass?

Good beat, though, I suppose.
Only lives up to half of its genre? :(

buyj3llo responds:

The bass came through on my headphones. Thats a problem I've always had, making my music sound good regardless of the system it's played through. I'm sorry, I'll try and get it right next time. Thanks for the generous score, considering you couldn't really hear it.

So I've been learning a lot about music lately. It's now December of 2013, and I have yet to produce an original Dubstep track to show off my newfound skills... Or should I call them newground skills? Anyway, keep an eye out!

Age 34, Male


Collin College


Joined on 8/16/08

Exp Points:
1,135 / 1,350
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Vote Power:
5.28 votes
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